
Thursday, November 5, 2020

UPDATED: Whither The Blue Wave?

UPDATE: If you like what you read below, you'll also like Don Surber's take: Democrat civil war begins.

The Blue Wave that was being forecast seems to have vanished in the vast electoral results sea. This to me is another indicator--albeit less rigorous--of prima facie electoral fraud. A number of pundits have brought this up. I don't have time to address this aspect of the election, but it's worth understanding. Joy Pullman does a good job summarizing the improbability of what Dems are trying to persuade the country of in a long article--from which I'll offer a few excerpts:

We’re Supposed To Believe The GOP Had A Great Election Night Except For President?

It would be mystifying if Republicans won more seats in the House, retained the Senate, and picked up state legislative seats, all while the same voters voted against Trump.

Since Joe Biden was picked to be the Democratic Party’s presidential puppet, we have been told he would win the presidency by a blowout. Political media has been speculating eagerly about another “blue wave” that would wash over the nation in line with their preposterous polls showing Biden winning by as much as 17 or even more points.

It didn't happen. Far from it. Instead, the GOP has already made significant gains in the House, with more expected. It is holding the Senate, and is making gains at the State level. Pullmann has the details. This is a crisis for Dems:

Politico, the voice of establishment Democrat wisdom in DC, headlined its Wednesday Playbook newsletter, “What blue wave?” “Tuesday was an abject disaster for Democrats in Washington,” it said. “…We fielded text after text from Hill Democrats Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning with existential questions about their leadership and the direction of their party. Democrats told us in the weeks and months leading up to Election Day that they were on track to win the majority in the Senate, and they don’t appear poised to do that” despite setting forest fires to campaign cash.

Contrast that with the improbability of the presidential election results the Deep State is trying to shove down the national throat:

This all means we saw an amazing night for Republicans on Tuesday. Toss atop that eight months of destabilizing coronavirus psychological operations on the American people designed to steal the presidency after other coup methods failed.

Then look at some odd differences between this amazing night for Republicans in downballot races and the incongruent results for Trump in just a few key states — key states that happen to be the ones everyone knew would be crucial to Trump’s path to victory, and all of which began to have “voting irregularities” and pauses in vote counting as Trump appeared to command the lead while closing in on final vote totals.

At this point Pullmann does an extended analysis of some of the electoral data, and she concludes:

It would be mystifying if Republicans won more seats in the House, retained the Senate, and picked up state legislative seats, all while the same voters voted against Trump. Trump has solidified his support among Republican voters and enjoys a massive approval rating from them he didn’t have in 2016, and expanded his coalition to more working-class and minority voters this year. This is not a blue wave year. This is a year that the blue wave of 2018 appears to be receding.

Yet we are supposed to believe the same media-Democrat complex that fed us wildly erroneous polls all year, and runs false information operations on us about coronavirus, the Russia hoax, and everything else they can use to steal power, that this blue wave’s evaporation did not at all affect the top of the ticket?

Pretty hard to swallow.


  1. Were there vote splitters this election? Collins won a lot more vote than Trump. So in Maine, yes. That would be an extreme version of Maine, though, and probably unique to that state. It would not be surprising to see this result if congressional districts--many of which have been jerry-rigged--saw a similar effect that we see in the electoral college at the state level.

    Take my state in WI for instance. 3 seats for Dems (we only missed flipping Ron Kind's seat by a couple percent) and 5 for GOP. The Milwaukee Congressional seat in particular is a very highly concentrated district of Democrat voters. The state has been close to 50/50 for the past 10, but it would be near impossible for the Dems to win a 4th seat.

    I don't discount fraud in large districts. I commented elsewhere about being skeptical of Milwaukee being a large source of fraud and pointed out Dane County that drove a 50k higher margin of vote to Dems this election. Madison was allowed to have hundred of drop-off locations in public parks that were "supposedly" staffed in accordance with state laws requiring ballot security....uhuh. But everyone is obsessed with the 20k additional margin in Milwaukee in a city 10 times the size of Madison.

    Milwaukee total votes cast was up only about 9% which was actually in line with the rest of the state on average. Dane County/Madison was up over 17%! If there was fraud, everyone is looking in the wrong place.

  2. Same anonymous about Wisconsin. I want to say, I have personally observed voter fraud in Madison. During the 2000 election, a person in front of me that I knew for certain did not live at the address they claimed (I managed the property) asked for a ballot from a poll worker who was a former employee who also knew with 100% certainty that this person no longer lived at that address. The poll worker got a supervisor involved, and the supervisor directed the poll worker to allow this person to vote. I reported this to the State GOP. Nothing happened.

  3. They cheated. There's no doubt in my mind that this was the theft of the century. Proving it is another thing. I'm sure this was all gamed out and planned for quite some time. The tell was all the folks that had to stop counting Tuesday night possibly to figure out the number of fake votes they needed to have couriered in later when everyone was asleep. I'm sure they separated all the mail in votes from the suspect envelopes (sans matching signatures) and merged them into the pot to further obfuscate. I'm betting that DJT easily won PA, MI, and WI, and probably some others as well. If you think back to 2016, they could have done the same thing, but no need since they figured they were in like Flint. This year, they were prepared. The sad part is they pretty much told us all along with actions and words, but who would have thought it would have dome down to this. Here's to hoping that our folks are able to figure this out and overcome before it's too late.

  4. Not sure if anyone has seen this yet but Barr tells USAs to send in agents.

    1. devilman, it's unfortunately the case that the Barr trolls who comment here are impervious to either fact or logic.

    2. I don't fault either side of the Barr coin. Both have very valid points but I feel your pain in hosting it on some days and I'm grateful you do.

      I think if his record of prosecuting crimes against the executive was a strong as his record of defense of the executive everyone would be far more understanding.

      Too many years of loosing battles have made many conservatives understandably cynical.

      People are also too easily suckered into the political trap of legal opinions vs the law. (Treason, RICO, insert 100 others)

      Right or wrong I come from the stand point of were beyond correction anymore. Just hurry up with the cliff already, I'm getting to old!

      As always, thank you for hosting and engaging in our dribble. 👍

    3. It's not whether Barr will do something as much as what can he do? The way I read the article he has told USA's they can send in agents. There is no indication any actually have or even intend to. Then what do they do when they get there without a court order of some sort, watch people counting "stuff"?

      "One state election official vowed to resist any interference or intimidation efforts by federal officials."

      Tom S.

    4. Yes. Barr is not the dictator of the federal justice system, and USAs are presidential appointees just as much as Barr is. He cannot micromanage individual cases on a day to day basis. In this case, decisions will be made in the courts long before DoJ could ever effectively handle things--because they'd have to go to the courts through a much longer process than Trump's lawyers can do.

  5. After the overnight drops in vote totals, I am just going to say it again- Trump is going to find himself behind in Georgia by tonight. The Democrats keep finding new votes in the Democratic counties. The governor of Georgia needed to act yesterday- he needed to send in the GBI to watch things.

    People's memories are pretty short, it appears. We saw this exact scenario play out in the Florida Senate and Governor races in the 2018 midterms. In those races, Rick Scott (the FL governor at the time) and Ron DeSantis won their races on election night by healthy margins of more than 100,000 votes, with what at the time was described as "just a handful of mail ballots that needed to be counted statewide". However, in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami Dade Counties, starting the afternoon of the next day, all three started pretty large vote dumps that was erasing those 100K+ leads by 5 and 10K at a time. When questioned by media how many votes they had left to count, they never answered. They continued to do this until the Friday after the election when Rick Scott, realizing they would keep adding votes until he and DeSantis both lost sent in state law enforcement. When he did that, miraculously, all the officials in those counties proclaimed they had just finished counting the votes. The recounts when on for two weeks, but the margins didn't change much in those recounts with state officials watching over everything.

    The funny thing is that when I just went over to Wikipedia to refresh my memory on the numbers from that election night, they cover up the shrinking vote margins from election night- both entries completely omit the fact that both Scott and DeSantis were up by 100K votes at the end of election night. Scott won his race by 10K votes, and DeSantis won his by about 35K. If Scott hadn't sent in state law enforcement, both would surely have lost.

  6. And what do you think will happen in December with the senatorial run offs in Ga? If control of the Senate and the fate of the Biden presidency depends upon Senate control, the Ds will stop at NOTHING to win.


    This would be a positive step.
    Tom S.
