
Thursday, November 5, 2020

In A Box? There's An App For That!

In a box? Not to worry! It's actually possible to think outside that box. And this app, er, suggestion, would solve any number of otherwise knotty problems. A bit like cutting a Gordian knot. Or THE Gordian knot. 

It would be totally within the Constitution for the state legislatures of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to exercise their duties and name a slate of electors for Donald Trump due to the outrageous fraud in the counting of the votes. Let the Dems take that to the USSC.
And since we're doing metaphors, file this under: More ways than one to skin a cat.
Everything needs to be on the table. Remember the faithless electors!

H/T Clarice Feldman


  1. This is the equivalent of nuclear war. Once you start this, all states can try it. If the tactic works for either side, who knows where we will end up? You'd have to see how the legislatures are controlled in each state relative to how their constituents voted for president.

    1. It's actually the equivalent of Constitutional war. If this tactic worked we'd end up actually following the intent of the Constitution. What's going on now is Prog disruption of constitutional order.

    2. Mark: I understand your point and I agree. However, given where we are right now people assume the electors will respect the wishes of the electorate.

    3. OK, people assume the electors will respect the wishes of the electorate, provided that it's clear what the electorate's wishes are.
      When things get to where those wishes are in hyper-dispute, that's the *ideal* time for the legislatures to step in.

  2. Too early for this step, and I doubt they would act anyway.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. (Correction of typo on NE.)
      Once more Righties see, that the Dems aim to drag the country thru hell on this, regardless of consequences, DJT's ability to build Righty pressure upon state legislatures may well make this course doable, esp. if the alternative is akin to KS-NE 1854.

  3. But be prepared for Pennsylvania to flip this afternoon some time. The number of remaining votes never seems to change all the while Biden cuts into the lead. Right now Trump is ahead by 116,000 with 510,000 "votes" still to count. This means Biden has to win just 61% of that remaining vote.

    Now, I am assuming these numbers include the supposedly segregated ballots coming in late without postmarks or with late postmarks- I have no idea how many of these there are or if the state is even following the orders given to segregate them- if they aren't, and are destroying the envelopes as they open them, then what are we to do?

    The breakdown for the remaining votes is 340K in Clinton won counties and 170K in Trump won counties, but the mail in vote has favored Biden by more than 61% the entire way- I think Pennsylvania will lost by the time the "counting" is done. Facts on the ground are hard to overturn in elections.

  4. Has anyone wondered how all those Dem senatorial candidates could fail if Biden was on a roll? And the 5 House members the Dems lost? Could all those fake “for Biden” ballots been marked for only the presidential race and nothing down ticket?
