
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Which Way Is The Wind Blowing?

Hadda laugh at this one:

And let’s not forget that a Biden presidency means that AG Bill Barr, DNI Ratcliffe, Sec State Mike Pompeo, WH xenophobe Stephen Miller, & the rest of Trump’s corrupt cronies will also be tossed out. It’s a terrific package deal. Vote Biden/Harris!

Thanks for the reminder, but I didn't need it! Meanwhile, ...


Charlotte Alter
Biden campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon: "We continue to have multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes" says they can win 270 even without PA and FL.

Does anyone seriously believe that? No. Throwing in the towel at 10:30 AM? Is that some sort of record?

God, I'm loving this one:


  1. I was projecting Florida for Trump by 200k with my own analysis based on 2020, 2016 early and county analytics.

    I'm now seeing otherpother in the last hour of 300-500k by actual turn out which is why I think their trying to pretend FL doesn't matter.

    It matters, because they can't win without it.

    The MSM projections, which they did start dialing back (I said that would happen as well) had Biden winning bigger than Obama in 2012. It was completely impossible!

    1. "otherpother"

      Can you clarify? Are we talking Trunalimunumaprzure? Prisencolinensinainciusol? Or Covfefe?

    2. Is ‘otherpother’ a masculine “fiddle-de-dee”?

    3. Covfefe of course!

      Sorry I have a tendency to be in denial about needing my glasses!!! Uneditable posts are bringing me around to reality! (maybe) 🙄

      "Other pollsters" were the words the thumbs refused to type!

  2. Sullivan now mandating sweeps of postal facilities in battleground blue regions; seems to be ignoring red zones.


      "The order, from U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, gave postal service officials until 4:30 p.m. to certify that those sweeps had been completed and there were no ballots awaiting delivery. His order came amid ongoing litigation over concerns that recent delays in postal service operations could result in tens of thousands of ballots across the country being received after Election Day...That could present a particular problem in Pennsylvania where the issue of whether mail-in votes postmarked by Nov. 3 but received afterward has been a hotly contested issue. In addition to Philadelphia and central Pennsylvania, Sullivan ordered the Postal Service to conduct similar sweeps for ballots in Detroit, Colorado, Wyoming, Atlanta, Houston, Northern New England, South Carolina, South Florida and Arizona."

    2. Now that Justice Amy is on the job, perhaps this will be when the SCOTUS puts its foot down on district judges trying to run the country.

    3. I should've said, district Obama judges.

    4. Thanks Mistcr. Wow, Sullivan not only annointed himself postmaster general but supreme emperor too. He has no shame. Hopefully 4 other SCOTUS justices will embrace Thomas's irritation with nationwide injunctions, and as Mark notes Obama judges.

    5. I sure hope he gets a post-election beat-down by SCOTUS.

      But I fear, if Trump wins, that he will just dismiss the case and act like nothing ever happened, since his part in the coup will have played out.

    6. But, Mark, the lying socialist wicked witch of San Francisco says Justice Barrett is "illegitimate" (you know, just like POTUS) because Harry Reid changed the Senate rules in an effort to screw Republicans, but it bit the democrats in the ass. And because the democrats declined to vote on Barrett. But mainly because the democrats just don't like it.

      And because two plus two equals whatever.

    7. Hmm, perhaps now we know how the PA Attorney General could "know" Trump wasn't going to win Pennsylvania...

      "Hey @JoshShapiroPA -- who's this unmarked dude wheeling hundreds of ballots away to -- where? What in tarnation is going on here with these citizens' ballots?!"

    8. "REPORT: The Pennsylvania Attorney General Has Been Encouraging People With Voting Questions To Contact The State's Democrat Party Instead Of State Elections Officials."

  3. This comic is both humorous and politically accurate for planning. 😁👍 Enjoy.

  4. They have A LOT riding on today....

  5. Looks like Judge Sullivan is panicking:


  6. I long for the day (not in my lifetime, alas) that who sits in the WH doesn't matter in the scheme of day-to-day life because the federal government limits itself to its Constitutional constraints.

    Brennen articulates the principle that Americans prefer a system of separated powers, while Democrats prefer to accumulate those powers.

    1. Sorry, as long as the 14th, 16th, and 17th Amendments stand the Deep State will only deepen and bureaucrats take an ever more detailed interest in your life.
      Tom S.

  7. Don Surber rings in:

    Whereas President Donald John Trump ended his campaign upbeat and laughing at a rally in Grand Rapids, the Biden campaign spent Monday telling reporters Who Needs Florida?

  8. It's funny to watch but the talking heads are now pointing at Texas as "the one to watch".

    I guess "any" hopeful narrative based on the time offset between Florida and Texas results is better than accepting reality! 😝

    Our next big news cycle may skip right over court election battles and go straight to rioting.

    1. Because the polls close an hour later than PA, MI, NC, WI, MI. Election day version of, "nothing to see here, move along," or "Squirrel!".
      Tom S.

    2. If they are counting on Texas, well. . . . .

  9. Gotta love that Brennan comment. It's a little late to turn the tide that's coming in (I hope).

  10. Texas was a Democrat stronghold for what? 130 years or so.

    George W Bush was the first consistent Republican Governor since Reconstruction. The Texas legislator did not flip Republican till the 21st Century.

    Will it flip back or to a future different party? Absolutely. Right now, it’s firmly Republican with many GOP leaders being Hispanic.

  11. Off topic (sort of), but I think you will be interested in this:

    "Late Night Deep State Document Release Shows Mueller Investigated and Chose Not to Charge Assange, WikiLeaks, and Roger Stone For DNC Hacks – Roger Stone Responds to Vindication"

    New unredacted version of Mueller report

  12. I should add, have not checked to see if any other pages of the report have been unredacted

    Bruce C (from Oz)

    1. When you have zero evidence, even Team Mueller had to pack that one in.

  13. BREAKING: MSNBC Calls All 57 States for Biden.

  14. Just saw this comment at FR:

    It's going to be a bloodbath for the Democrats tonight. They thought that locking people down, disrupting their lives, driving people mad, would make everyone vote Democrat. The early vote was 50/50 Democrat-Republican, and today's vote will be 2:1 Trump.

    They're counting the Democrats as though they would all vote Biden. Some of those Democrats are liberal, but still love our country and are terrified at the ultra-radical-fringe-left-wing-store-looting-cop-killing Marxists that have taken over the party.

    Even Republicans (like my wife) who didn't vote for Trump in 2016 because he was "crude", were fired and voted for Trump today.

    Finally, to paraphrase the proggies, "Love Trumps Hate" can't win on a platform of "hate". Hate only carries you so far. Any American Combat soldier will tell you that you don't fight the enemy because you hate them, but because you love the men to each side and your family behind you.

    1. These women baffle me. I have never thought of myself as crude. As for Trump, I don’t see him as crude. I see him as ivanka described him in 2016: “He is blunt”… He calls it as he (and usually we) sees it.

      My dictionary defines blunt as “uncompromisingly forthright”. And forthright as “direct and outspoken, straightforward and honest (in speech)”. Works for me.

    2. "Any American Combat soldier will tell you that you don't fight the enemy because you hate them, but because you love the men to each side and your family behind you."

      I thought it was because they were wearing the wrong uniform.

    3. You can't win on a platform of "hate", but you can gin-up a civil war with one.
      See Evolutionary Biologist P. Turchin, at :

      "One possibility is that one side wins by a landslide and the other accepts it....
      The problem is that neither side has shown any willingness or understanding, to solve the structural problems that have brought about the current revolutionary situation.
      And it takes years to reverse the negative structural-demographic trends, even once the necessary reforms are implemented....
      The difference between the Red and Blue parties is stark, not only in their visions of where America needs to go; they also completely disagree on *what is true* or false....."

  15. "Chose Not to Charge Assange, WikiLeaks, and Roger Stone For DNC Hacks"

    Also Sasquatch, Keyser Söze, and that guy who photographed Andrew Weissmann leaving his Rent Boy's townhouse in Kalorama.

  16. Mark, even Alexander Downer is endorsing Trump. WTF is going on? Is this a hail mary, "please don't ask for my extradition Mr. Barr" play or what?

    1. I saw that last night somewhere on Twitter. His sister lives in Austin and has switched from HRC to DJT.

  17. As of 17:30 ish Florida is reporting a 181236 lead in republican turn out in over all voting.

    Totals are mind bending.

    10486473 over all votes and 111.32% of 2016 total turnout.

    Voting ends for most counties at 19:00EST with some lagging behind in the panhandle till 20:00EST.

    Vote counts start at 20:00EST and all looks to be good for a very fast answer on where it stands. 👍

  18. I caught that part. It's in the first three paragraphs before I hit the paywall. FYI, I'm a Houston native, and got my MBA at UT Austin after a brief career as an Army Infantry Officer--Austin is often referred to as far east Los Angeles or even San Francisco.

    Now for people who don't follow Australian politics, & who therefore don't realize that Downer is a principal leader of one of their principal parties for the last two decades, maybe it is perfectly plausible that he decided to write an op-ed on the eve of an American general election that has nothing to do with his role in the last one. A surreptitious role we didn't find out about until 2018.

    But to me this carries a cover my ass tone I have rarely seen in my adult life...

  19. Barr/Durham haters Lou Dobbs and Tom Fitton are having a hen session over this report (anonymous sources, of course) from lefty New York Magazine.

    Fitton is out on a limb, expounding on what Durham “never investigated”…

    How would New York Magazine or Dobbs or Fitton know what Durham was investigating?

    1. Against my better judgment I read that last night. I have no doubt that Barr is basically on board with Trump's view of what happened. Obviously I have no clue re Durham. I've never had much doubt that Trump would win reelection, so as I've said I'm OK with his political rhetoric--it's not only useful but IMO necessary. Legal talk is important but it's not the be all and end all. In the big picture, I think waiting till after the election will work out for the best, and everyone will forget about the pre-election kerfuffles.

    2. Its author, Murray Waas, an “investigative reporter” appears to have been hot on the trail of Republicans for some time...
