
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day Reading

Once you've voted--if you haven't already--here are two very worthwhile articles about the future we, and Trump, must face and face down:

Flawed Globalist Ideology Underlies Opposition to Trump

The ostensible goal of the globalists, peace and prosperity for all mankind, is better served by Trump’s version of nationalism. Globalists offer only tyranny masquerading as enlightenment.


There is a reason that nearly every powerful special interest in the United States is doing everything in its power to defeat Donald Trump, and it has nothing to do with the media’s fraudulent portrayal of him as a racist. Nor does it have anything to do with his allegedly abrasive personality.

If the president were willing to put the United States citizens under a total lockdown, allow millions of economic refugees to swarm across the borders, ship more jobs to Asia, and then impoverish whatever was left of middle America under the pretext of fighting “climate change,” he would be cruising to reelection.

Put another way, if Trump were a globalist, instead of a nationalist, there would not be well-funded militants destroying our cities while benefiting from a news blackout. There would not be NPC drones like ABC’s David Muir spewing anti-Trump pablum night after night, and money from Big Tech and Wall Street billionaires would be pouring into his campaign, instead of supporting his opponent.

In January 2018, in a speech of striking clarity, Trump described his vision of American nationalism. Addressing the assembled heads of state and business elite at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Switzerland, Trump’s speech amounted to a declaration of war on the globalists. For example, he said:

The United States will no longer turn a blind eye to unfair economic practices, including massive intellectual property theft, industrial subsidies, and pervasive state-led economic planning. These and other predatory behaviors are distorting the global markets and harming businesses and workers, not just in the U.S., but around the globe. Just like we expect the leaders of other countries to protect their interests, as president of the United States, I will always protect the interests of our country, our companies, and our workers.”

These words constituted a threat to globalist ideology not because Trump’s version of nationalism is particularly toxic, but because he exposed the globalist vision itself as flawed and dangerous. What globalists want will not deliver peace or prosperity to the world, much less America. What globalist billionaires and globalist corporations want, however, will make them wealthier and more powerful than ever.

In 2016 the World Economic Forum released a brief video called “8 predictions for the world in 2030” which remains an accurate summary of the globalist vision for the future. Here are its key points:


The essence of this list, or agenda, can be distilled into the following: Private property will be abolished, the United States will lose its sovereignty, food will be rationed, state-supported refugees will arrive by the millions and be dispersed into every American city and town, energy will be rationed, and America’s traditional values and institutions will be obliterated.

This is a deeply flawed vision of the future. It fails on every practical level, but is marketed relentlessly by all the same institutions that attack President Trump. And on the surface, it has a powerful moral appeal. Consider these lyrics from John Lennon’s globalist anthem: “Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do, nothing to kill or die for, and no religion, too.” This sounds great, until you face the reality of other powerful nations who aren’t about to cede their sovereignty to Western corporations, or deliberately undermine their cultures or their economies.


Why Is Europe Courting Revolution?

This is a complex article, but the theme is one that I stressed to friends four years ago: The German problem has arisen once again. Trump understands that. He is determined to destroy German dreams of empire. Putin understands it, too.

Excerpts--with lots of gaps in between:

All eyes remain on the U.S. election, and on fathoming its consequences. But in the shadow of ‘The Election’, there are other ‘moving parts’: Germany just offered Washington ‘a sweetheart deal’ in which, Europe – with Germany leading – accepts to leverage America’s full-spectrum strategy of isolating and weakening Russia and China. And in return it is asking the U.S. to acquiesce to German leadership of a ‘power-political’, European entity that is raised to parity with the U.S. That, bluntly, is to say, Germany is angling for ‘superpower’ status, atop an EU ‘empire’ for the new era. Putin recognised such a possibility (Germany aspiring to be a superpower) during his recent speech to Valdai.

But the other ‘moving parts’ to this bid are very much in motion, too: Firstly, Germany’s ploy is contingent on their hopes for a Biden win, ...

All this raises many questions: ...

... Firstly, there is still Trump, and secondly —

China and Russia clearly see the game. ...

Three major geo-political issues here are intersecting: Firstly, Germany is metamorphosing politically, in a way that holds disturbing parallels with its transition in the pre-WW1, European setting. In short, the ‘German Question’ is surfacing again ...

Well: Fool me once … but fool me twice …? The Navalny episode was the last straw. It was a blatant lie. Merkel and Macron knew it to be a lie. And they knew that Moscow knew it, too. ...

Rightly or wrongly, it is becoming a culture war. Overtones of the anger on U.S. streets. Again, dark suspicions that cultural life is being closed down in order to prepare Europeans for the drowning of their cultural identities into a big Brussels-made, melting-pot. These fears may be misplaced, but they are ‘out there’, and viral.

It is Europe’s political fabric and societal cohesion that is in play – and its leaders are not just confused: They fear.


  1. Can you specify, which aspect of the Navalny episode was known to be a blatant lie?

    1. I assume the narrative that he was the target of a Putin assassination attempt.

  2. I voted in WI in my deep blue district, and it felt like a primary or Spring election day. Most the blue vote is already in for WI, and today the red vote comes out in full force.

  3. "The German problem has arisen once again." Really? The 'Master Race' has become seriously downgraded by the Turks and other Muslems, who they welcomed to replace those pesky Jews. Think the Vienna attack and the feeble response. France? No more the Song of Roland. England? Are they in or out? Trump understands that. And the Novotny affair. "He is determined to destroy German dreams of empire", as well as those of China and Russia. "Putin understands it, too." Ditto for the Chinese, who cannot feed their own people, and whose economy is a sham, as is their military capability in a modern war. Of course if Biden gets elected...

    1. So you think doubling down on globalist ideology in Europe, with Germany as the focal point, would be good for the US. Interesting. Shortsighted. All the ideological problems we face in the US have their origin in German thought via our own Progressive Era.

    2. An example: The concept of compulsory universal State Education was lifted directly from Bismark's vision of an organized and directed Prussian society by American progressives.
      Tom S.

    3. And we see what's become of government schools--mass Leftist indoctrination. Ideology does matter.

      All the well known progressives--people like W. Wilson, for example--were big fans of Hegel. Wanna know what could go wrong with that? Read some history.

    4. Yeah, Bismark's vision of an organized and directed Prussian society, which led the House of Hohenzollern to end up biting off more than they could chew, staring with its launching of the Schlieffen Plan.
      We can hope that historians will have reason, to compare Wm. II's OK of that Plan, with, say, SparkleFarts' ginning-up of BLM.

    5. Yes, biting off more than they could chew, but it was very unpleasant for everyone else.

    6. There seems to be a both-and aspect to this.

      Yes, the German will to empire is resurfacing through their current leadership; but at the same time they are displacing their own population with unassimilated immigrants who make far more babies.

      Much as our own globalists think they can ride to power on the violence and Orwellian activities of open Marxists, the Deep State and their MSM allies, they will not know what hit them when they secure power only to be soon thereafter purged along with the rest of the deplorables.

    7. Correct. But we don't want to go there, and we'd prefer the Euros didn't either.

    8. “Germany only wants a little piece! A little piece of Poland...a little piece of France...a little piece of Denmark...’

      Kidding aside, think Germany realized thy could establish their idea of a “German” Europe without having to mobilize an army to do it in the form of the EU. As German history shows, they love bureaucracy & their govts were always authoritarian or semi-authoritarian. In short they love The Big State. However, it is a strange dichotomy; having traveled their extensively, speak the language, & still have close friends there, there is a PC groupthink that Germany must always be ashamed of itself because of The Holocaust & the Second World War. You even fly a flag outside your house & someone will accuse you of being a Nazi. Now, that said, I personally have seen stenciled murals of WWII German soldiers on more than several buildings, along a with many monuments related to the experience of the German soldier during WWII -

      Weird. The two would seem mutually exclusive.

      And yes there are importing Turks/Muslims @ a rate making average Germans uncomfortable but if anybody says anything they get shouted down & accused of xenophobia.

      What’s clear to me is that the Left will always use Germany’s WWII history to beat it down, keep it in line, cowered & in lockstep, basically how they utilize our own history of slavery to do the same to us.

    9. at least get the nukes out before they do

    10. @ mark

      I think anons point viz Germany is that they are in no position demographically to rise again, even in a rival US of E superstate. As Steyn remarked, Demographics is destiny, and "the future belongs to those who show up." Europeans can't be bothered to have children, thus the insane importation of millions of poor, uneducated muslims from the ME. US interests would be far better served cultivating alliances with the former Warsaw Pact countries who, at least, still fight for their national identity and know the dangers of a weakened but unpredictable Russia.

    11. Yeah, Tschifty, let's cultivate alliances with the former Warsaw Pact countries, whose mentality isn't as cucked as is those west of the Hajnal Line, and many of whom have also have, in their historical lore, bitter experience with the Turks etc.

  4. I heard Peter Hitchens arguing a few years back that the EU was essentially the old dream of German empire by novel means. I distinctly remember this as one of my “red pill” moments.

    RE Navalny - the Duran has provided some of the best analysis I’ve seen. See their “Alexei Navalny is the new Sergei Skripal”:

  5. As Sundance frequently says... Trillions are at stake.
