
Friday, November 6, 2020

Something Fishy In Milwaukee? (With PA Update)

There's a lot of excellent analysis "out there" today. One that focuses on Wisconsin's election is Evita Duffy's:

Biden’s Performance In Milwaukee County Raises Questions About Wisconsin Votes

It's thorough and well written, but the basic thrust can be gleaned from a relatively brief excerpt. After noting that "even Republican Party officials say they were prepared for 160,000 mail-in votes to be counted after the polls closed," Duffy continues:

Others have called into question disparities in Wisconsin’s high voter turnout when compared to other election cycles. This too can be explained by same-day voter registration in an election that saw record turnout nationwide.

However, voter anomalies in Milwaukee County, the largest county in the state, do raise some questions. Specifically, how did Biden outperform former President Barack Obama’s 2008 performance in the county, in an election that saw the highest voter turnout in 40 years?

In 2008, Barack Obama received 316,916 votes in Milwaukee County. In 2016, Hilary Clinton won only 288,822 votes there. But in 2020 Biden outperformed them both, receiving 317,251 votes countywide and besting Obama’s share of the vote by nearly two points.

What makes this suspicious is that the county is shrinking. The Census Bureau population estimates show that in the last 10 years, thousands of metro Milwaukee residents have left the area for other parts of the state and country. As the Milwaukee Sentinel put it, “We’re lagging in a key metric that often reflects the vitality and desirability of a metro area: population growth.” The City of Milwaukee, which makes up about 60 percent of the county’s population, saw the number of registered voter decline by more than 26,700 from 2008 to 2020.

While it’s true that Obama in 2008 won about 18,000 more votes than Biden in the City of Milwaukee itself, one would also expect the countywide vote total for Biden to be less than Obama.

The rest of the article is just as interesting. Trump is asking for a recount. Sounds like a good idea.

PA Update: Richard Baehr does a fine bit of analysis at Pennsylvania's mail ballot results don't look right. Here's the short version, although the article itself is short and to the point.

Basically, what Baehr shows is that, using Pennsylvania stats, we are to believe that Dems returned their requested mail ballots at an 84% rate, while GOPers and Indies did so at a 74% rate. Baehr expresses skepticism at such results.


  1. Yeah, the percentages that Biden was taking in the absentee vote do not look plausible to me either- I was puzzled by this fact all day yesterday. I think I can do a better job, though, than Baehr does in showing the problem:

    Republicans returned 25% of the absentee ballots that returned, and were only getting 21% of the votes that were being released yesterday. This means that all of the Democrats and Independents/Minor who voted absentee were voting for Biden + almost 1/6th of the Republicans who voted absentee. This is just not believable on its face. It is a multiple sigma event, in my not so humble opinion.

    You can see the problem when you go to other closely divided states that used absentee mail in ballots- some of those states counted those ballots as they came in over the preceding weeks, and those results were posted in multiple places, but you can find them on the NYTimes election site- the numbers were not skewed 78-21 anywhere else- in most cases, Biden was only winning the absentee vote by 30% or less. When I have more time tonight, I will try to dig more deeply into this- I have things to do this afternoon that can no longer be put off.

  2. Just a bit before I go out. In the NYTimes Wednesday morning, when Trump's lead in PA was still 700,000, PA claimed there were still 1.4 million absentee ballots to process. If Biden wins 78% of them and Trump wins the rest, then Biden at that time could anticipate being 80,000 votes ahead at the end. At the present moment, Trump is behind by 13,000 votes, but according the NYTimes, there are still around 250-270K absentee ballots to count, which Biden is winning 79-20, which will add about 150 to 170K to his lead, so he will end up about 180,000 ahead, rough number. You see my point, I hope- that 1,400,000 number reported yesterday was just wrong or has been added to since Wednesday morning. Now, it probably is just that places like Philly had a lot of election day ballots to count, too, so maybe that 1.4 million number was misleading- it was more like 2.0 million.

    I guess what I really need to try to find is how the absentee voters vote across the entire state- the NYTimes says that that number is 79.5 to 20.00 right now, but I want to see the actual numbers in each county.
