
Monday, August 16, 2021

UPDATED: Briefly Noted: Natural Immunity

You may have noticed a flurry of articles recently alleging that Vax immunity is superior to natural immunity. This is likely part of the pro-vax propaganda push. Dr. Robert Malone assembles informed response comments:

Here we're nothing if not fair and balanced, so if you prefer to get your views from sports coaches:

UPDATE: Imagine what Ron Rivera would say about the likes of Alex Berenson. Then again, imagine Berenson caring (h/t Mikeyinfl). Vietnam vets/history buffs are free to weigh in:

It's a good day for Vietnam analogies

Welcome to the Tet Offensive phase of The War on Covid


This spring, Israel’s experience seemed to validate the success of the vaccines. Now it’s a cautionary tale, ...

Unfortunately since then the data has gotten much worse.

The number of serious cases has risen almost 30-fold since late June. Roughly 60 percent of those people are fully vaccinated.

Yet the vaccine fanatics refuse to admit the depth of Israeli the crisis. Instead they continue to point out that per-person rates of serious illness are higher in the unvaccinated elderly.

They are correct, but they’re leaving out a key fact. Over 90 percent of Israelis over 70 have been vaccinated, suggesting that many of the remainder have not received vaccinations because they are too frail to do so. ...

Thus the relative numbers matter much less than the absolute numbers and trend. And the absolute trend is awful.


The researchers examined Pfizer vaccine-generated antibodies in more than 200 people and found that on average they fell to undetectable levels about 6.5 months after the first shot - or roughly five after they reach full vaccination.

In other words, the Israel failure is happening right on schedule. Vaccine protection lasts months, not years. (Four months, give or take, since protection is limited the first month and likely negative the first week or two.)

Thus Bennett’s desperate call for a third shot. But although the booster does seem to produce new antibodies, neither the Israeli government nor Pfizer nor anyone else can know whether it will reduce infections or deaths, either temporarily or permanently. NO ONE HAS CONDUCTED ANY CLINICAL TRIALS TO DETECT THESE ENDPOINTS OR TO EXAMINE THIRD SHOT SIDE-EFFECTS IN ANY DETAIL. (I looked at this issue last week in a different Substack.)


Covid has now reached its Tet moment. Anyone looking hard at the data can see the stark limits of the vaccines. Unfortunately, that group includes very few journalists. Almost no one yesterday pointed out what Bennett was really saying.

And of course our governments appear committed to this course and cannot admit the truth.

What’s going to make them? And how long will it take?


  1. Haven't had a chance to read the comments on Alex Berenson's substack, but the story is damning.

    "In other words, the Israel failure is happening right on schedule. Vaccine protection lasts months, not years. (Four months, give or take, since protection is limited the first month and likely negative the first week or two.)"

    "Thus Bennett’s desperate call for a third shot. But although the booster does seem to produce new antibodies, neither the Israeli government nor Pfizer nor anyone else can know whether it will reduce infections or deaths, either temporarily or permanently. NO ONE HAS CONDUCTED ANY CLINICAL TRIALS TO DETECT THESE ENDPOINTS OR TO EXAMINE THIRD SHOT SIDE-EFFECTS IN ANY DETAIL"

  2. I wonder what they are paying Ron Rivera. Or maybe they caught him diddling little kids and this is his penance.
    He's pretty quick to take away rights. It will be remembered.

    1. Berenson should tweet his opinions about linebacking back at Rivera. Alex might also mention that the vaccines winning record is even worse than Rivera's NFL WL record

  3. I've just begun to sift through the comments on Berenson's substack, but there are a fair number of folks that are at this point in their realization:

    "The objective is selling vaccines, and other medical products, not health. That's the focus of all the hype, and the basis for all the prohibitions. Good health is protective against this routine virus. But it's unprofitable. They need people to get sick."

    Maybe they'll be stuck there, but it does show some movement in opinion. As OMB would say, we'll see what happens.

    We better see it soon or it's going to be a mess all the way up to and through the 2022 polls with "everyone's sick and needs to vote by mail".

  4. The biggest surprise during Tet 1968 was the nationwide suicide attacks by the Viet Cong. They never stood a chance and aside from Battle of Hue, the fighting was over in days if not hours. Hue took longer because the Viet Cong had infested the historic Citadel and we attempted to save the structure from destruction.

    North Vietnam intentionally threw the Viet Cong to the wolves, so to speak, and the Viet Cong no longer had any meaningful role in the war after their ignominious defeat. Back in the world, the press reports were intentionally wrong; Tet 1968 was a complete and utter disaster for the communists.

