
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

UPDATED: Project Veritas Will Release Tapes Of Assange And Obama DoS

There have been rumors for some time now that President Trump is considering pardoning Julian Assange. It has now been confirmed that Assange has formally requested a pardon. Tomorrow, James O'Keefe will release recordings of conversations between Assange and the Obama Department of State. O'Keefe claims this will shed new light on these matters:

I would welcome a pardon of Assange. Nothing he did is as wrong as what Deep State actors have done without consequences.

UPDATE 1: Here's the recording. It appears to show that Assange's relationship with the US Government was more complex than previously known. For example, Assange appears to demonstrate a concern for the safety of individuals who figure in released communications, as well as willingness to assist the US Government in locating official documents held by less scrupulous persons:

One assumes that this type of information will work in his favor as regards a possible pardon.

UPDATE 2: h/T Andy S, here's a link to a much longer version--totaling about an hour and a quarter:


  1. I 100% agree on the Assange pardon,

    Along with Steve Stockman.

    Snowden I’m not sure about.

    1. Pardon Snowden

      I suspect most sheep have been smurfed

    2. No Snowden pardon should be granted.

      He went traveling around the world with 117,000 highly classified documents visiting China, Russia, etc. It is common knowledge that those countries will image your hard drives upon entry (and he was hiding from the USG there, so they knew he had good stuff). Edward went there anyway knowing this. Even if encrypted with "military grade" encryption if the baddies *know* you have a treasure chest full of data they will throw whatever supercomputers are needed to crack it.

      Some of what he revealed needed to be revealed (cooperation with Big Data, etc.) but not at the expense of our IC infrastructure and personal risk to their "on the ground" staff and support contractors. The patriots doing the good work are at risk, not the (#*@!%&!) "leaders" we complain about here.

      I know people who were personally effected by this. No pardon for Edward. Not now, not ever.

    3. Also, no insult or offense is intended to those with a different outlook. Apologies for not making that clear in my remarks.

  2. I have often been asked while in the Marines why we were over there. I never could give an honest answer. Folks think you have inside info because you're in the service. I have only begun to understand the reasons and I'm sure I haven't broken the surface tension of the water regarding the depths of international relations.
    I love my country, I love my Corps, and I respect those serving. But what Ive discovered in the years since my discharge is mind-blowing. And that all convinces me that Trump has been the best President for America in my lifetime, and probably since Teddy Roosevelt, with Reagan considered.


  3. I agree. The idea that a person in this day and age would be punished for leaking information against a political figure is laughable at best.

    1. Tells you a lot about where we are as a nation.

    2. It solidifies what anyone with half their synapses firing knows: Barack Obama is a treasonous cancer on this planet.

      He is a dangerous ideologue with a messiah complex whose flagrant abuses of power not only injured people's careers and ruined finances but is almost solely responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings in the middle east and responsible for the untold suffering of millions of others.

      He, and his entire cabal are STILL operating a shadow government and should be tried and hung for treason.

      History will not be kind to Obama.

      He is a despicable human being.

    3. Here's a 30 sec video where Obama says he wished he had a 3rd term and:

      "if there was an arrangement whereby someone could wear an earpiece and he (Obama), while sitting in his basement wearing sweats, could deliver his lines through the front man... I'd be fine with that"


    4. And both Dyer and Monica Showalter discuss why Obama would "let the cat out of the bag".

      "Perhaps Obama is announcing himself as a lightning rod and a negotiating front-man in his own right, not just to clarify his importance to process, but to deflect attention from the donors behind the curtain. He’ll be the one in sweats in the basement, unlike President Whoever, tooling around doing the ceremony thing in suit jackets and leather-soled shoes. But Obama will be the donors’ point man. Congratulations, America."


    5. I think it was SWC who described Kama Sutra as a "chucklehead". That seems a fair and judicious appraisal. She'd be putty in the hands of others.

  4. And nothing Assange did was as damaging to national security as the NYTimes revealing a top secret NSA program that enabled us to track terrorist financing and movements by hacking into their cell phones--for which the Times received a Pulitzer Prize! A small footnote in the suicide of the west.

    The bad guys stopped using cell phones after that. Who knew they even read the Times?

  5. Is it an exaggeration to say that the Conspiracy has treated Assange worse than Trump?

    1. @ Cassander
      No, no it is not. I am convinced that Muller did this to protect the DNC's RUSSIANS narrative to cover what Seth Rich and brother did.

      Hopefully the FBI's "stick in the mud" approach to hiding evidence will be broken by Ty's case and more will come out soon.

      Also... Pardon Snowden!!!

  6. methinks we are literally at a "Broken Arrow" moment where our position is being overrun and it is time to call in "friendly fire" on top of us, regardless of the consequences. THIS IS THE HILL TO DIE ON! Declassify...prosecute...pursue...harass...embarrass, whatever it takes over the next month to tear this sucker down. What do we have to lose at this point? Go get'em Donald!

    1. Nothing to lose and and the rule of law to gain (back).

    2. Nothing to lose and and the rule of law to gain (back).

    3. Agree wholeheartedly. And since we agree that we are willing to endure such desperate measures, i can think of no reason not to support a move by Trump to either impose martial law to conduct a legitimate revote of federal elections ir invoke the Insurrection Act and 14th Amendment to conduct the Mother of All Resets.

  7. Wouldn't it be fun if Assange could irrefutably prove that Wikileaks got the DNC emails from... not Russia... but Seth Rich?

    1. About that...since we learned the FBI hid that they were looking at Seth's laptop...

      Signs of prep work leading up to a pardon seem to be there. Now this release which may serve to soften peoples' position on Assange.

    2. Don't know why he wouldn't fess-up to that (can't hurt Rich) unless there is a third party out there that is still in the Arkancide Witness Protection Program.

      Jeffery Epstein did not kill himself and Seth Rich was not a "robbery" victim.
      Tom S.

    3. @Tom S

      I think few understand the complexity of what wikileaks does. Because they are so embedded into the IC and other messy arenas anything that would be disclosed would hurt them.

      In the case of Seth Rich it wasn't just Seth involved, there were others who assisted. Even if there were not, the exposure could create serious issues for family, friends, etc.

      So whereas Seth may no longer be here the risk of exposing him would risk the others and seriously harm WikiLeaks' reputation for absolute silence and scare off potential disclosures.

    4. “no longer be here”

      aka ... murdered

    5. @ devilman

      That's basically what I meant. Seth is beyond caring but I'm pretty certain he didn't act alone. Only Assange knows who's at risk beyond that. His call.

      To Hillary Inc. the only thing sweeter than silence is revenge crafted as a message.
      Tom S.

  8. PV has now released the audio tape:
    Andy S.

  9. How has what Assange does/did any different from the NYT or WP?

    Pardon him.

  10. O/T but of interest, from DJT's Facebook page:
    “Study: Dominion Machines shifted 2-3% of Trump Votes to Biden. Far more votes than needed to sway election.” Florida, Ohio, Texas and many other states....

    1. Then why don't they confiscate and do forensic analysis in Florida and Texas? If other states do not allow, it should be easier to do in these states, no?

    2. It's certainly my belief that something of that sort happened.

    3. My understanding was that Texas rejected the Dominion machines for the 2020 election.
      Tom S.

  11. OT but...

    Patrick Byrne came out with this and I'm torn. He is his own worst enemy when it comes to self promotion.

    On the other hand knowing his history he has been proven to be incredibly creditable with stories like Maria Butina, himself and the FBI. Thing is... This connects directly to that.

    He started the below story about 8 months ago and said there was much much more to come of it, now he is dropping the other shoe.


    1. If there's one proven way to snare Hillary it's by offering her money.

    2. Didn't Byrne also say a week or two ago that he could prove election fraud?

    3. @ Cassandar

      I guess that depends on ones version of the word "prove".

      The MSM version.
      Or his

      I've not reviewed any of it but a quick skim looks like most everything else we've been hearing / seeing.
