
Monday, December 28, 2020

UPDATED: Please Remind Me Why We Should All Be Vaxxed

WHO Chief Scientist Warns "No Evidence COVID Vaccine Prevents Viral Transmission"

On the other hand, transparency is refreshing.

UPDATE: More transparency:


  1. My guess is the vaccinations should be dropping the real covid death rate in the US soon.

    By claiming vaccination does not stop the spread, it supports continuing the lockdown measures. I’m getting pretty cynical. Same with the “uk” super spreader strain, interesting timing, and seems to be based on no real evidence.

    1. Ray, what makes you think that any of the stats re the CCP virus are real? The Johns Hopkins study last month gave it away--- no, real rise in overall deaths between 2019 and 2020. The virus is real, of course, but we are being manipulated by mass propaganda by the government recharacterizing flu deaths, heart attacks, car accidents, etc as CCP flu deaths. Even the CDC admitted that only 6% of reported CCP virus deaths were actually *from* the virus. That is about 20,000 people total. Not even a noticeable statistic for a flu season.

      We are being systematically deceived on this virus. Do not go along with it.

  2. If testing for COVID-19 didn't exist would we even know this disease existed? "Extra 110k septuagenarian Americans and 120k octagenarian Americans die in 2020" isn't exactly a banner headline absent an exotic cause of death.

    I'm not suggesting a conspiracy so much as noting that every time guidance from our medical oligarchy has changed in the last year it has changed in a way to encourage more fear and justify giving more power to and ask fewer questions of government health care bureaucrats.

    It's almost like they have some sort of bias...

    1. I wrote a similar comment way back in March- it is the PCR testing, at a level of 1.5 million per day now, that drove the bad responses. And, yes, the pandemic served multiple political purposes.

    2. It took me longer to catch on--I'm not exactly sure when I realized what was going on. A bit like hanging on to belief in Barr.

    3. Thinking bback, I think it was the war against HCQ that clued me in.

    4. Yeah Mark, your post on the Lancet article retraction was the last straw for me, tho before that I was quite suspicious.
      It just seemed oh-so coincidental, that Biden etc. would be ranting about Follow The Science, w/o specifying how The Science proved, that, say, a 6' distance was so much more effective than a 3' or 4' distance.

    5. Of course, w/o this Science about 6’, lockdowns would’ve lacked a rationale, and
      1) Dems would’ve lacked a rationale for their mail-in ballot games, and
      2) Middle-class businesses (e.g. restaurants) wouldn't have been clobbered.
      The failure of (political etc. allies of) these businesses, to quickly mount major legal etc. challenges to lockdown orders, was a bad harbinger.

  3. Apropos of absolutely nothing, well, except maybe slimeball libs:

    1. Yes, with the caveat that she's Spanish on the inside.
      What is really weird is how Wokster World has latched on to the bizarre idea that Spaniards are not White European. A view that most Spaniards I know would find highly insulting.
      Tom S.

    2. Also o/t from Unz, reader Craig Nelsen posts that:
      "A woman who had worked for something like 40 years in a hopeless cases hospice... –was asked what it was that the dying most regret... said that, overwhelmingly, dying humans **regret not maintaining** relationships.....
      We see the results of this religion of the individual all around us– the ease with which we permanently **disavow loyalty** to our siblings, to our parents, and, most fatally, to our race."

      To which reader Stan d Mute responds:
      "But in fact, we do not do this.... we are doomed precisely because we refuse to disavow sisters, mothers, daughters, and limp-waisted sons.
      If we only could simply cut off the *leftists* in our own families, a restoration might be possible....."

      I see this debate as gripping, and crucial.
      I suspect both of these views to have much merit.
      In some minutes, I'll post here some reflections on these views.

    3. The debate, on regrets for not maintaining relationships, is at .

    4. Sorry for not getting earlier to add to this debate, on dying humans **regret not maintaining** relationships, vs. refusing to disavow sisters, mothers, ....
      (I was "distracted" by, among other things, my daughter!)

      Yeah, we can be distracted (from worthy obligations) by, among other things, the barrage of messages from, say, Mad Ave. & the MSM.
      And yeah, we can fail to deservedly disavow *bratty* sisters, mothers, ....
      But in at least one respect, deciding how to weigh such considerations is easier than before, insofar as brats are making their bratiness easier to sniff-out, than was so, say, 10 years ago.
      Nags (Wokesters in particular) are nowadays much more likely, to wear their naginess (Wokeness) on their sleeves.
      Non-nags are nowadays rather more likely, to appreciate, and seek out, others who aren't prone to such naginess.
      (The emergence of the IDW owes much to this.)
      Likely more thoughts later.

  4. Months ago I was advised by a local (far Lefty) Dr., to use vitamin D to cut the risk of catching coronavirus.
    Now, the MSM is starting to catch on, see .

    1. Other ideas on diet (e.g. vit. A, C, Fermented foods etc.) and covid are at .

    2. "...Fermented foods...."

      Showing this to my wife and telling her 'see, beer saved me'. Her 'is that a feature or a bug'?
      Tom S.

    3. Interesting link, Ananymouse… I just sent it on to young family members… Thanks for posting.

    4. @Mike Thank you for that video link; so important.

  5. Mark,

    While I was reading this posting title I believe one if my sheep off in the distant pasture had the best answer to your question of, "Please Remind Me Why We Should All Be Vaxxed"

    And I quote... "BaaaHHHaaaaa!"

    Farm humor, but it happened.

  6. Ok, here's my version of today's vaccine conspiracy theory.

    We all know how GMO works right? Genes of plant seeds are modified in lab. The modification itself doesn't make much of a change itself, except it makes the seeds resistant to a specific pest and / or toxic chemical which in turn is toxic to pests. It's a strong pesticide that would kill the unmodified plant as well.

    So it works as described below (from a lawsuit by farmers against Monsanto ):

    "Introduced by Monsanto in the 1970s, glyphosate was considered a highly effective weed killer for decades. Monsanto introduced genetically engineered glyphosate-tolerant crops in the 1990s, and as the company had planned, use of glyphosate herbicides exploded in agriculture. But with the expanded use of glyphosate, many weed varieties developed resistance to the chemical, a problem several scientists had warned the company would develop. 

    To combat the weed resistance, Monsanto decided to launch a new dicamba herbicide and sell new genetically altered seeds that would allow farmers to spray whole fields of crops directly with dicamba just as they had been doing with glyphosate, killing the weeds but allowing the crops to thrive."

    Also frim the same page: "Monsanto sold GMO dicamba-tolerant soybean and cotton seeds despite knowing the actions would trigger chemical damage to farm fields that were not planted with the new seeds. The intent, the Bader Farms’ lawsuit alleges, was to induce farmers to buy the specialty seeds as a means to prevent crop damage from herbicide drift coming from neighboring farmers who were planting the GMO crops and spraying them with dicamba."

    This works very similar to creating a computer virus, then selling the antivirus io millions of computer users. No wonder, Bill Gates, whose Windows operating system for decades was teeming with virus - antivrus wars, saw the potential of this business model, in farming and fighting pests.

    Now, we know the same Bill Gates (and his clique) likes reusing successful business models, (especially under the noble guise of philanthropy, which is a separate tax evasion scheme).

    What if, human genes were modified to gain resistance against certain virus types, by let's say with a vaccine capable of modifying genes to trigger immune response, like the one Pfizer created? Anyone who doesn't use it would be exposed to the virus, and its future more fatal variants (UK mutation?). To enhance the business model, it could even be combined with certain medicine people will have to buy periodically (like glyphosate in the farmer's case), that kills viruses, but also kills people, unless they are vaccidroed. The excuse? "Viruses have become resistant to traditional medicine and there is no other way, so you have to use this new one. Not buying it? Try this one then: We are being attacked by nefarious external forces with bioweapons, and it's a matter of national security, so whether you like it or not you are taking it.

    I'd say a very profitable business, especially if you take into account, it's a must have for public health and needs to be subsidized with taxpayer money (because children and poor and oppresed), and even will have to be mandatory because like in the case of farmers, not having the vaccine will also kill you as both the virus and the nedicine will be around. Heck they can even spray the medicine in public areas and anyone not vaccinated would drop dead instantly.

    Sounds like a conspiracy coming from a crack head? Well, tell that to farmers suing Monsanto and hear what they have to say.

    You are welcome.

    1. I'm a farmer and your explanation makes sense to me. Hated putting money into Monsanto's pockets, but had to do it to play defense.

    2. Yes interesting dynamic.

      Something that many don't realize when talking about Blue cities not having food is that a huge amount of farmland, a majority I think I've read, belongs to multi-national corps. Monsanto being the biggest. They made huge gains buying up farms in the Ca. central valley during the drought out there. You know, the one in the middle of which the State cut off irrigation water to save the Gaia sustaining Darter Snail. Lots of otherwise hugely productive farmland became bargain basement fodder. Small guys were easily tapped out, credit wise, as far as sustaining their operation. Of course the bankers were relieved to see huge corporations, with large offshore reserves, ride in and save their assets for pennies on the dollar.

      I'm sure Monsanto's Board of Directors will be totally down with cutting off food to Blue enclaves as political leverage for Red negotiators.
      Tom S.

    3. The world you describe - populations manipulated by government agencies bought by monied interests - is the world we already live in. It only gets worse, until somebody like Trump comes along.

      This is why Trump was elected in the first place. Shall we keep him, or allow him to be eliminated?

    4. Yes, just wait 'til they hit the inevitable utilitarian logic wall and realize they have no use for 6.9 billion dependents and assorted troublemakers.
      Tom S.

  7. Social Hygiene. Eugenics. Racialism. Scientific Socialism. Edwardian Imperialism. Nazism. It never went away. The entire public health bureaucracy is obsolete and fatally based in 19th Century authoritarian doctrine and pursuit of eugenics, its tyranny and social hygiene; not just racial hygiene, but hygienic credentialism in support of state-enforced purity. These people are insane.

    This is The Great Reset, The Open Society.

    World War 2 didn't clean up the capital and cultural infrastructure that made NAZISM possible.

    As a Brit I knew once said: "Hitler didn't see the world much differently than the rest of Europe. The reason for war was Hitler was a commoner who forgot his place. Nobody in Europe disagreed with the racial or social hygiene policies implemented by Hitler. Ironically, most of those policies came from American universities and foundations and their British influencers."

  8. My guess in Chicago vaccinations are based on political juice / connections. Very few elderly getting vaccinated, yet they are super majority of deaths.


    Republican Luke Letlow. In hospital less than a week.

    1. "WITH Covid" not FROM Covid, "Complications related to Covid"

      So there's more to the story.

    2. I’ve read about where Covid can go in some people. It can go far beyond being just a respiratory disease in some. The 41 year old Broadway actor Nick Cordero was one of those - ended up with the clots that some Covid patients are throwing. Lost at least one leg before he too died. Letlow was hospitalized with Covid. Statement from the hospital is on this twitter thread as are his own remarks.

    3. Reiss and Bhakdi address this issue (pp. 31-32). After noting the alarming nature of these media reports:

      "Is there a difference with the flu? No. It has been known for years that influenza can affect the heart and other organs [84, 85]. All respiratory viruses can find their way to the central nervous system [86]. There is no basic difference with SARS-COV-2. Once in a while, patients may suffer from long term consequences. This applies to all viral diseases. ... Covid-19 is a disease that makes some people sick, proves fatal to a few, and does nothing to the rest. Like any annual flu."

      But this is why he's concerned about the specific nature of these new vaccines--because he believes the way they act may lead to more of these consequences that are currently more rare.

      He also addresses the issue of clotting (p. 24):

      "A high frequency of lung embolisms was already described in deceased influenza patients 50 years ago [42]. Thus we are not on the verge of discovering of SARS-COV-2 that would heighten its threat." He associates that with forced inactivity and advocates for regular outdoor exercise as opposed to lockdowns and stay at home orders.

      I highly recommend the book.

  10. LSU Health Shreveport Chancellor G.E. Ghali said Letlow died from a heart attack following a procedure related to the infection.

    "It's devastating to our entire team," Ghali said.

    "He had no underlying conditions," Ghali said. "It was just COVID.”
