
Saturday, October 5, 2019

The State Of Play? Advantage Trump

The state of play in the war against Trump has now become pretty apparent. It's difficult not to see Trump with a decided advantage--and that from several perspectives.

First of all the Dem strategy is obvious: Twist the law and constitutional processes and then get their media surrogates to shout about it 24/7. It's doubtful that the Dems have a leg to stand on from the standpoint of law in the "whistleblower" controversy--even as they prepare to trot out additional "whistleblowers." The whiff of collusion and conspiracy is strong in their machinations. The same goes for their maneuvering in the House committees. Nancy Pelosi is quite simply refusing to follow normal House procedures, acting for the nonce as if the House is a private Democrat preserve and allowing no input from the GOP.

It may have seemed for a time--a short time--as if this strategy was working, but it's increasingly unraveling in a very public way.

First of all, the "whistleblowers" are being exposed as Deep State operatives acting in collusion with the Dems. The ring master of that circus, Adam Schiff, has been exposed in repeated shadings of the truth and, now, in outright lies. Even liberal media types resent being played like that--thus, the Amazon WaPo awarded Schiff "four Pinocchios" for his outright lies, handing Trump and his allies powerful talking points, and the Dems a big media setback. And AG Bill Barr is in the background, ready and very, very willing to protect the Executive.

Second, Pelosi can pretend that the House is a strictly Democrat preserve, but it's not. Trump is playing this angle masterfully, refusing to even recognize Pelosi's "inquiry" as an actual House procedure in the absence of a vote by the full House. Of course, Pelosi's refusal to hold the vote exposes her lack of support from her full caucus and ensures that this kerfuffle will play out with Trump calling the shots. The further this goes into the campaign season the more it favors Trump. The voters will want clear positions from the candidates. Trump will be more than happy to provide that--stressing his record, the corruption of the Bidens, the corruption of the political and constitutional order by House Dems. The Dem candidate, presumably Warren now, will find it very difficult to court the center and independents without either severely criticizing fellow Dems or offending the center and independents she will need.

Chris Dunn, in an excellent blog at American Thinker, Nancy in the swamp of despond, sums it up nicely:

What Nancy has done is to hand the entire deck of cards to Donald Trump. The President can now shuffle them or not as he pleases, and set them down one by one as the spirit moves him. This can’t possibly be a good feeling for the Speaker. And it’s only going to get worse.

As for shuffling the cards, Trump is only just now flashing what appears to be a real trump card--Dem collusion with China. That will play very well for Trump, very badly for Dems.

How could it get worse?

That's where the investigations of the Russia Hoax and, now, the Ukraine Hoax will come in. IG Horowitz's FISA report will be out soon. It could, and should, be a real blockbuster. In fact, I don't see how it can fail to be such without AG Barr rejecting it out of hand for inadequacy. Horowitz is undoubtedly a Democrat, but can't risk that sort of reception.

Bad as that could be, however, the Barr/Durham investigations will be much worse. Those will focus on Dem and Deep State collusion with foreign intelligence services to undermine our very constitutional order and electoral integrity. That's very big stuff, and very big names will undoubtedly be named. Right up to Obama. It's inevitable and the Dems have been caught sitting on the tracks as this train begins coming around the bend. They're paralyzed, they're trying all sorts of ploys, and none seem to be working in the way they need them to work. The only solution that will work for the Dems is to actually derail the train that is Barr/Durham, and that's just not happening.

The final bit of bad news is that this won't really play out until the campaign season is well under way. How do you message that? I just don't see it.


  1. About all this, I have a question. The average Democrat I talk to, hard left or centrist, takes at face value what men like Schiff claim to be the case. They do not question. If they read WaPo or the Times, they believe every word. Printed lies or shadings don't take root.

    They're not stupid people, though maybe intellectually lazy. They don't like Trump, which is understandable, no matter what your position on the man is.

    My question pertains to people like Brennan, Schiff, Pelosi: are they actually lying, i.e., do they believe what they say is completely false, made-up, in which case they are cynical, cunning frauds?

    Or are they victims of noble cause corruption, and actually believe they are on a mission to save the republic from Orange Man? If so, they might be 'good' people, but misinformed. They wouldn't be evil.

    That is, did Schiff &/or Brennan set all of this up, as some writers imply, insert the CIA mole and wait for the right time to blow the whistle. Or did the 'whistle-blower' come to them, they saw the opportunity, and foolishly, or whatever, ran with it?

    In one case, they took advantage of an accident; in the other, they are acting like Iago.

    I listen to Schiff on TV. He sounds like he believes what he's saying. Does he? Or is it all an act?

    So, what is your sense of these Dems? Monsters, or muppets?

    Mark, your blog is a clearing house for truth. Thank you.

    1. They're true Alinskyites, IMO, and so believe two things.

      They believe that their opponents are evil--by definition. And that evil increases exponentially when they actually win.

      They also believe that to overcome evil all means are acceptable. Lying being the least of them.

    2. Actually, no it is not understandable that they do not like Trump except in the most partisan terms.

      Trump was them, a registered Democrat not that long ago and it was for 8 years. He was touted as the epitome of the comeback, can do spirit of America. They took pictures with him, invited him to their parties and events. He gave them lots of money, even Hillary Clinton.

      For eff's sake, in 2009 the Museum of New York city named Trump as one of the 400 most influential in the city's history.

      Regarding doing the right thing and noble causes. Both can lead to doing wrong, breaking laws, and corruption all in the name the cause.

    3. Democrats (true-believers) can't be persuaded.
      But they CAN be ridiculed.
      Ridicule targeted at the true-believers, in conjunction with rational argument, can persuade the persuadable who are watching.

    4. You want ridicule? Here's ridicule:

  2. Has anyone noticed that the smartest general in the Democrat army is in hiding and has been for several years? My guess is that he saw where this was headed back in 2016 and has a pretty good idea of what comes next. The Democrats are betting that the majority of voters in next year's election can be bribed, bullied, or buffaloed. Trump, on the other hand, is simply acting like a leader. The American people will have a clear choice next year.

  3. Personally, I think most democrats lack a spiritual moral foundation. They see anyone who disagrees with them as evil and that gives them the "right" to win at any cost; lying, stealing, etc. We need to wake up because they are willing to steal elections.

  4. I am certainly with the mainstream here who see the leadership of the Resistance as fundamentally dishonest. As in dishonest and corrupt. I suppose they believe the end justifies the means. As I have noted elsewhere, its disturbingly reminiscent of Lenin in his heyday.

    I am less sure why so many of your intelligent friends, Titan, and so many of mine, do not see this clearly. The conversation often starts with a recitation of Trump's (many) shortcomings. It often then moves on to examples of some recent insult, like: Did you know Trump was trying to extort Ukraine into supplying dirt on Biden to beat him in 2020? (Hah! As if Trump would need 'dirt' to beat Biden...)

    How do you respond to this? My liberal friends are utterly convinced of Trump's guilt. They don't want to hear facts, nor will they believe them if they somehow hear them. Discussion is impossible.

    You can (try to) cite the Trump record: higher wages for working folk, record low unemployment, including record low black and hispanic unemployment, record high stock market, peace (the absence of new military engagement), and lower taxes. All to no avail.

    I'll pause here. I certainly don't have an answer or any prediction what happens next.

  5. One question which gets overlooked...are the Democrats (like the Alinskyites and Leninites of the past) for whom the ends justify the means merely passionate ideologues...or criminals?

  6. Rudy did a pretty good interview. It's 12 minutes long and he gives a pretty good overview:

    My mission is to disrupt the world

    He gets into the fundamental corruption we're seeing, and sees the roots going back.
