
Thursday, November 5, 2020

UPDATED: An Example Of What Barr's Role Is

TGP is reporting tonight: 

As Many as 6,000 Illegal Votes Identified in Nevada – Thousands of People Referred to DOJ For Potential Criminal Violation of Election Laws.

The Nevada GOP is taking action:

Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud. We expect that number to grow substantially. Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV.

Barr can, and I believe will, order investigations to be opened on these matters if there appears to be reasonable belief that crimes were committed. Those investigations can't possibly move fast enough to prosecution to affect the outcome of the election--by themselves. However, the mere fact of opening investigations will be useful to Trump's lawyers and will carry weight with the federal courts. That is especially true with the SCOTUS. They all know Barr by reputation and some I'm sure know him personally.

But in this turn of events please understand that Barr--as also the FBI agents and DoJ lawyers--is playing a supporting role. The best he can do will be supportive of the main actors, who will be Trump's lawyers and ultimately the SCOTUS.

UPDATE: Late breaking news and commentary.

Apparently the counting of ballots in AZ is continuing with good results for Trump. Larry Schweikart shares what he's hearing from the Trump camp:

Word from Team Trump. Pretty good news, but no, not gonna share everything:
1) Trump on target to win AZ, NC, GA. ("This isn't wishful thinking: this is the math"). Margins smaller than we'd like but a win is a win. (My comment: guess what? DemoKKKrats won't challenge . . .
because they know that a challenge would open up vastly more bad ballots on their part!)
2) Trump expects to win NV based on votes outstanding. 3) They will win PA.

4) They already have evidence of cheating. It needs to be substantial to take to the state legislatures. Remember, if conflicted (as best I can tell) a state legislature can punt and send two slates to the US Senate which has final authority on who to count.

Again. Barr, FBI, DoJ--their role is supporting. They're the ones who can take the allegations and open cases. Trump's lawyers can't do that. But the ones who can put those open cases to use will be Trump's lawyers, as support for their arguments. The investigations can't be resolved quickly enough to matter in and of themselves. Again, it's about predication--is their sufficient predication for actual criminal investigations. If Barr says there is, that will carry weight with the courts, but the argument will be made by Trump's lawyers.


  1. "NBC News' John Lapinski on Arizona: 'there is no way that someone should be calling this race right now'"

  2. It's a strategic mistake to assume that actual votes are being counted. In PA, they will continue counting until Biden pulls ahead and then Biden will declare victory. Trump will not be allowed to win AZ and PA outright.

    The Trump team has to go to the next level. The patriotic faction of the AMerican security apparatus know who the Democratic leaders are who planned this and certainly have surveillance that proves it (even if it is somehow inadmissable in a court of law). Trump may have wanted different circumstances before playing this card but the traitors may not give him that luxury.

  3. Speaking of Barr. Is it feasible to assume that announcements can go forward next week relative to indictments or similar relative to the Russia Hoax investigations? Also, any announcements relative to the Biden family investigation?

    Let's see if the MSM shares any of this.

    1. Yes, all that is possible and should be done. I'm very depressed and fearful for our country this morning.

    2. Barr needs to be visible NOW.

    3. I disagree. That would be a distraction--"Barr is acting as Trump's private lawyer!" If Trump is being censored now, how do you expect Barr to be "visible"? Barr simply needs to do what he CAN do.

  4. A comment at CT reminded me the post office takes a picture of every single piece of mail. This was put in place after 9-11 and the anthrax attacks.

    Nice way too prove mail in fraud.

  5. One of my favorite authors and former accountant. Good analyst with data. He is not a Trump fan, which makes this even more powerful:

    1. Wow! That’s a powerful demonstration of just how audacious this fraud really is. Thanks, Ray.

    2. Ray, what is in that link. I might be paranoid here, but it doesn't open for me, not even the blog itself.

    3. Yeah, it’s now weirdly slow to open for me too.

    4. Nevermind, I finally got it to open. Have read the first 1000 words- simply awesome stuff, thanks for the link, Ray.

    5. Give it time, it eventually loads. Let’s hope he’s getting overwhelmed with traffic.

    6. Yes. Audacious fuckery. Is afoot.

  6. The Department of Justice sent a memo to prosecutors Wednesday saying it could send armed agents to ballot-counting locations to investigate potential voter fraud, The New York Times reported.

    While federal law prohibits armed troops or law enforcement from stationing at any place an election is held unless force is determined “necessary,” the Department of Justice (DOJ) believes the law allows agents to station at places that are counting votes following the election, three unnamed officials familiar told The New York Times.

    Did it happen?

    1. I think not, but don't know for fact. I'm thinking if it had actually happened media.corp would be howling at the rafters about Barr's "interference".

      Besides that the fraudulent ballots are already in place and most have been counted and dumped in the box with the legit's. The "catching frauds at the door or counting-table" train has already left the station.
      Tom S.

  7. In the Jimmy Carter/James Baker 2005 federal election reform report, it was stated that mail in balloting can work, but is ripe for fraud in problematic areas.

    This year, the Carter Center reiterated what was recommended in 2005. We are seeing the lack of integrity or the appearance of lack of integrity as he asserted in 2005 and this year.

  8. Zerohedge link:
