
Friday, November 6, 2020

UPDATED: An Enemies List Is Already Being Compiled

Via CTH:

"I foresee many deleted tweets, writings, photos ..."

UPDATE 1: Terrific article by Lee Smith. The title might sound ordinary, but the article is much better than that. He specifically addresses alleged "silver linings":

There Is Nothing Normal About the 2020 Presidential Election

UPDATE 2: You can find the full enemy list here. Like, over 1300 names, including 57 federal judges, 3 on the SCOTUS. (h/t commenter Frank)


  1. I don't believe data geek Simon quite grasps the difference between actual voting persons and fake ballots. Fake ballots may steal this for Sleepy Joe but fake ballots don't get up and go to work tomorrow. The nation is divided and AOC is going to learn the hard way how scary that divide can become.

  2. I don't believe data geek Simon quite grasps the difference between actual voting persons and fake ballots. Fake ballots may steal this for Sleepy Joe but fake ballots don't get up and go to work tomorrow. The nation is divided and AOC is going to learn the hard way how scary that divide can become.

    1. "is going to learn the hard way how scary that divide can become."
      No she and her ilk learn nothing, and forget nothing.
      If anything goes wrong in her life, she'll just assume it to be the fault of the White Patriarchy, and lead a mob to DNC HQ (or wherever), to demand that they Do Something.
      She and her ilk Live for their hatred of The Oppressors.

  3. Well, look on the bright side. When they round us up in the camps at least we'll get to meet each other in person!!!

  4. from Leslie McAdoo Gordon

    "This is the full "Trump Accountability Project" enemies list before it was hidden & before the judges & donors tabs were removed. I took screen shots of every page before that happened."

    It includes federal sitting judges!!


  5. That's just precious. Poor, dumb Sandy, you really don't want me on your enemies list. Unless you're a big fan of irony.

  6. "complicity"

    Occasional-Cortex has Sandinista DNA.

  7. I note the Golden Rule isn't much in evidence with what is recommended to be done to those on their Enemies List--someone might return the compliment by doing unto them what they claim to have in mind. The hatred the likes of Occasionally-Crazy express might find some whoop-ass visited upon them.

    The Trump era has certainly revealed the aficionados of the STASI/Gestapo/NKVD.

    Who, any longer, doubts Occasionally-Crazy didn't learn some "tricks of the trade" in her International Relations degree from BU...

  8. From Wiki:
    “Jennifer Rubin.... In September 2020, Rubin announced that she no longer identified as a conservative….”

    A tweet the other day threw down a gauntlet:

    "Jennifer 'Count Every Vote' Rubin @JRubinBlogger
    ·Nov 6
    Any R now *promoting rejection* of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or *making baseless allegations* of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be **accepted into "polite" society**. We have *a list*."

    As long as such Establishment “conservatives” are starting to abjectly kowtow to the New Order, I’m urging my friends to be far more careful than before, when talking, esp. to liberals.
    Political etc. interactions should only be, with those friends who trust not to turn you into the Thought Police.
    I'd politely decline to talk politics to anyone, until they prove to you, that they won't turn you into the Thought Police.

  9. At
    is a good article on this Project, showing stuff about the roles of Hari Sevugan (w/ Obama) and Emily Abrams (w/ Buttigieg), and tweets of conservative fighters, such as this from Andrew Pollack:

    "Put my name at the top, Mëin *Führer*!
    Lists have been used in other great nations.... like the USSR, Communist Cuba, and Communist China.
    When will you begin to *round up the #Jews*? I’ll pack my things."
