
Friday, November 6, 2020

A Thoughtful SWC Look At Our Future

This afternoon Shipwreckedcrew has a couple of good pieces. The first takes a look at what the future may hold if the steal goes down:

GOP Must Fight Back with Election Challenges In Court and Elsewhere Or 2022 Might Be The End of the Line

What he sees ahead ain't pretty:

If 2020 stands, this is just the beginning, not the end of what the next generation of Democrats has planned.

Understand that the next generation of the Democrat party has been raised on the idea that opposition to their ideas is illegitimate – it cannot be acknowledged or engaged.  Opposition to “critical race theory” is racist.  Opposition to mainstreaming LBGTQ lifestyle decisions is homophobic.

Attaining the political power necessary to stamp out opposing views is a necessary step towards a fascist state that does not tolerate opposing views.

Even if the Senate holds for the next two years, SWC sees trouble holding it in 2022. And in the meantime ...

But we will once again see an aggressive administrative state, headed by the EPA and Civil Rights Division of DOJ.  Other civil litigation components of DOJ will try to accomplish through “lawfare” what the Democrats in Congress cannot accomplish through legislation.

But what they will really be planning is targeting of GOP Senators up for re-election in 2022, and then the Presidential election of 2024.

Read it all and weep for your country, your country that was.

And if you're looking for a sober analysis of the PA court case that hold out hope for a Trump win yet:

Trump Campaign Seeks To Intervene In Pennsylvania Voting Case Now Pending in the Supreme Court

Sundance offers this reminder--they're coming for us all:


  1. Already started and Biden is not president elect yet ...

  2. What Shipwreckedcrew misses:

    - The house in 2022
    - State Races
    - GOP will fight more.
    - Trump is not going away, but will still be influencing the GOP.

    GOP anti Trump types will continue their path to marginalization. Trump has shown coat tails, so I expect most of the GOP establishment will bite their tongue. The GOP is Trumps party, so he will play kingmaker.

    Swag - this brazen stealing of the election will create a tea party 2.0. And this time the gop establishment will be a lot weaker.

  3. "targeting of GOP Senators up for re-election in 2022" will most likely be superfluous.
    The DS, antiFa, BLM etc. will likely have smashed whatever human infrastructure the GOP now has.
    This stand by DJT is very likely the last (effective, peaceful) stand of this republic.
    Having gone this far, the Dems will leave nothing to chance.
    Barr, Durham, Flynn, Powell etc. had their chance, but now, they'll become nobodies (or corpses).

    It took Hitler less than 20 months, from Feb. 1933. to Aug. 1934, to sew up the coffin of the Weimar Republic.
    While the Reichstag was voting in the Enabling Act, the SA was outside, providing "security" for the proceedings.

    Once the Dems get the W.H. (and thus the whole DS), such outlets as this one will likely be liquidated, w/in weeks or months.
    The Capitol Bldg. will have its security "protected" by (shills for) antiFa/ BLM, to a standing "O" from the MSM.
    Those Senators who refuse to be "cooperative" will suffer unfortunate accidents, and the MSM will see or hear no evil.
    Lockdowns and other States of Emergency will be (for a while) on as often as they're off.

  4. If Trump loses this election....he will be a fierce opponent to the Harris administration.
    Out of office, and unfiltered.
    And able to run again in 24.

    1. No he won't. They are going to bury him in legal quibbles until he is financially ruined (if not jailed). Even if he survives those, he will be 78 years old in '24; he was verging on too old the first time around.

    2. Yes, I'm pretty sure the Left has thought through what they want to do to Trump already.

  5. Here’s my take on this ...

    Trump should never concede, period. Let this go through the courts. If Pelosi needs to be seated as President, fine. She will be neutered and short lived. Moreover, that will demonstrate the pathetic the accession law is, but I digress. Fight it in court fully.

    This must include Barr. His supposed wanting a solid wins means nothing now, if that was his goal. Sundance might be more correct in this than not. Logic dictates otherwise, but at this point it is moot.

    What this will do is clearly show where the military is at. Will they force Trump out at gunpoint or not.

    However, I do not expect Trump to do that. That really is asking too much of him and his family. He currently has a good chance of getting Imprisoned along with his family.

    Something even Barr just could not do to real traitors.

  6. Not sure it would be a good idea for the Dems to martyr Trump if they get the chance...all things considered.

    He's right about too much stuff.

    1. Take a gander, Trump Accountability Project, as just touted by AOC, not just Trump ...

    2. Not saying they won't...only suggeating it could backfire. Martyrs can be powerful figures...
