
Friday, November 6, 2020

How Long Has Dem Fraud Been Going On?

Commenter Ray- SoCal just wrote:

Another painful realization. My world view got upended again. Trump has done that a lot, ripping off masks that people and institutions have worn that hid their corruption / bias / stupidity.

Voter fraud in Democratic controlled areas in many states seems to be very widespread and going on for years.

This includes in the West:

- Washington

- Colorado

I am amazed at so many in the GOP are willing to accept the fraud. Chris Christy and Rick Santorum are examples. Others with their silence.

My guess is this partially a legacy of the GOP consent decree on elections that expired.

And even the NY Post is saying Trumps claim of election fraud is baseless:

And Twitter and Facebook are censoring claims of fraud.

An anecdote. My wife just heard on the radio that Chicago's United Center - home to the Chicago Bulls and Chicago Blackhawks - was opened as an all city polling place for this election. In other words, any Chicago resident could go there to vote. And this happened in the midst of another draconian Covid lockdown that is wildly unpopular in Illinois, even in the Blue areas. Does that suggest to you, as it does to me, that this was done solely for the purpose of facilitating fraud?

My theory is that Dems feared that the decades of electoral fraud in Cook County that had turned Illinois deepest Blue would not suffice this time around if Trump got a good turnout. A bigger push than usual would be needed, just in case. As it turned out, Biden won 55-42, but it leaves me wondering just how much was due to fraud. Turnout stats comparing 2016 and 2020 suggest to me that that was the case.

Turnout in 2016 was a low 56%. In 2020 it was 67%. That suggests to me that there really was a much bigger Trump vote, but that in anticipation the Dem machine was prepared to deal with that. I don't claim infallibility in this, but I am suspicious.


  1. "We've built the most extensive voter fraud organization in history" - Joe Biden

    Taken out of context my ass.

    In addition, I personally had at least a dozen interactions w/the Democrat party in Colorado. Text messages and voice mail calls. I live in the Northern Suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. How is it I was / am affiliated as a resident of Colorado and a registered voter there?

  2. I've been thinking that Biden's SC primary win was also hinky. Not in that he won -- he was expected to get the black vote -- but that he won so big. Especially after doing so poorly before then. Seems Obama needed something to persuade the others to drop out, and Clyburn delivered. The Chinese, too, were privately saying, even before SC, that Biden would be the next President (according to China expert Michael Pillsbury).

    1. Yep. All Obama’s master plan forged with Cluburn ahead of the SC primary. After Biden’s SC primary all that was left was Bernie. He climbed on board after being reassured by Obama that KH would be the VP.

      All by design to restore his legacy. Iran agreement back in play. China softness back in play.

      Barr must act quickly to hold the deep state to some accountability. No more Comey coffee clinks.


  4. The Trump campaign should be pushing their case in every state for fraud--even states they didn't lose. Some of this seems to be easy to prove--just cross reference various databases of registered voters who cast ballots with databases of deaths, address changes, DMV records, etc. It seems that with just a minimal amount of internet sleuthing, it was so easy to find lots of cases of obvious fraudulent votes being cast by doing this. Why isn't this done everywhere?

    1. "Why isn't this done everywhere?"

      Was DHS actually doing anything these last few years and/or months? Seems like they were unprepared.

      I read several things over the years that they had tightened up election security, but if that's the case, why am I now reading they need to check the machines, if the machines were supposedly locked down?

      Why weren't they prepared with LE on standby, at the possible trouble spots, in case they had issues at the polls or counting places?

      It's not like any of this is a surprise.


    2. Congrats, Frank--you're thinking outside the box! Inside the box they're all saying it's totally Barr's fault.

    3. Wait.,, perhaps DHS knows something.

    4. I've not been saying it's totally Barr's fault, but I've been worrying that he could've done more to keep his vows (e.g. on "fireworks" after Labor Day) that would've affected the percentages, e.g. regarding the degree of moderate liberal support of what the Dem brass/ MSM are doing now, and the prospect that GOP "moderates" would let DJT down in the clutch (as Brother Ass below claims is already starting).
      Barr, or someone, had better act ASAP, before these moderates' flight becomes a stampede.

    5. @ AmericanCardigan

      I don't know whether Shaffer is right about this or not. However, I do know that he's a serious and knowledgeable guy. In the past I have recommended some of his stuff as the best expositions of national security law within our constitutional framework that I'm aware of.

    6. This lack of "fireworks" from Barr, and the choice of Flynn/ Powell to lay low, all-but guaranteed that SpyGate would play no real dent, in both the election, and in the willingness of moderate liberals to toe the party line, in carrying out Dem brass "orders" to tee off on the Deplorables, via all available means (e.g. massive vote-fraud schemes).
      Had these moderates been given more reason to fear the criminality/ derangement of the Dem brass, many liberals would've at least considered backing off of immersion in such schemes, rather than staying All In, as they still are now.

    7. @ AmericanCardigan
      @ mark wauck

      Thinking about what Shaffer is saying, it seems to me that it's probably mistaken to focus on the "ballots" as being produced with "tags"--that's the impression one gets from the various claims in this regard. Rather, to do this it would seem to make more sense for DHS certify all election equipment and software--which I wouldn't be surprised if they do--and cooperate with the designers/manufacturers to have ballots "tagged" as they are run through, with relevant info.

  5. Allegedly 14,000-plus deceased registered voters in Detroit over 100 years old. Random sampling ( reportedly indicates they cast votes in this election.

  6. Why else would the Dem establishment vociferously oppose commonsense (and globally common) practices like voter ID requirements? What’s even more stunning is the GOP establishment’s utter capitulation on such questions.

  7. Yes, now that we look back it all falls into place. Why did the Dems maneuver Sleepy Joe into the nomination? Besides the obvious puppet qualities he was ideally suited to go along with the plan to steal the election. His comment about building the biggest fraud organization in history is telling. Ni doubt the Dems used fraudulent ballots in the Dem primaries to surge Biden to the nomination when he couldn't get 1% in Iowa. Biden's comment about the military dragging Trump out of the White House is another slip of the mask. The Democrat plan has been in place for a long time and it anticipates the likelihood that Trump will challenge the fraudulent election results and refuse to go quietly. Mark Levin and Steve Bannon make excellent points about the road ahead. Well worth your time and attention. Courts first, state legislators next, Congress last. Concession is not an option.

    1. "Why did the Dems maneuver Sleepy Joe into the nomination?"

      Lemme take a stab at that. Because that's what the Red Chinese told them to do?

    2. Maybe we can make that backfire on them. The next four years need to be China! China! China! Nothing Joe does vis-a-vis China must be viewed as tough enough. Special Council investigations into Biden's China dealings must be set up so that pressure on Biden never lets him give an inch to the Chinese.

    3. "The Democrat plan has been in place for a long time and it anticipates the likelihood that Trump will challenge the fraudulent election results...."

      My records now show that, months ago, I had indeed posted about the Podesta-led Transition Integrity Project, in a thread referring to a DJT win/ 2nd term:
      "It may not get to that point, even if DJT has the EVs, see ."

  8. Here’s the link given by the Transition Integrity Project for it’s gaming scenarios of this election ...

    It’s all predicated on violence by Trump and his supporters, like me. Funny thing is, other than small instances, the vast, almost all, violence has occurred by Democrat supporters since at least 2016.

    This was a fix that used the Kungflue to actualize.

  9. Ray writes: “I am amazed at so many in the GOP are willing to accept the fraud.”

    As if on cue, apparently some congressional Republicans are already calling on Trump to stand down.

    1. For what it’s worth, i got it from WaPo. I was able to read it before, but can’t now b/c of paywall.

    2. I misspoke slightly. Several governors too.

      "Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R), who did not vote for Trump, said there was “no defense” for the president’s misleading speech.
      . . .

      "Reps. Denver Riggleman (R-Va.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) called for the president to present evidence of his claims and “respect the democratic process that makes America great.” . . . “STOP spreading debunked misinformation,” Kinzinger tweeted. “This is getting insane.”
      . . .

      "Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) similarly reassured the public that continuing to count legally cast ballots is “NOT fraud,” although he also suggested that Trump was within his rights to challenge any votes “cast after the legal voting deadline.”"
      . . .

      "Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.) offered a more tempered stance but still raised the specter of election irregularities. “All votes that comply with Pennsylvania law must be counted, regardless of how long the process takes,” Toomey said in a statement Thursday, adding that a recount “should be immediately granted” if the vote count meets the threshold for one. “Once a final count is reached and certified, all parties involved must accept the outcome of the election regardless of whether they won or lost,” he added."”

      See also tweets from Doug Ducey, Spencer Cox, and Tom Ridge.

    3. Thanx. Do you happen to recall, roughly how many they quoted?

    4. Brother, I'm not at all surprised by the stuff from such GOPes as Rubio and Hogan, and I don't know the score on all of the guys you listed.
      However, I do take heart in the stances of guys like Massie and Rand Paul, and esp. that of Lindsey (see Ray's post below), who last nite on Fox pledged $1/2 mil., with the words to the effect of "Trump had my back, so I'll have his".

    Why Trump Will Triumph in PA Litigation
    The State Supreme Court has Violated the US Constitution.

    >the US Constitution grants state legislators the exclusive right to prescribe the time, place, and manner of holding elections, and to direct the appointment of the electors.

  11. Trump is shattering the Overton Window of ignoring Democratic Voter Fraud.

    1. If Brother Ass is right about GOP "moderates" (see above), not quickly enough.

  12. For this election, perhaps.
    > not quickly enough.

    I was surprised Senator Graham donated $500k to a Trump legal fund.

    And Trump is not going away. May be he won’t run again, but he does have influence. And voters will remember who abetted this coup.

    I see what was done as incredible over reach, and stupid. The reaction it will get will change our politics, for the better. Trump is not going to give up as Nixon did, for the “good of the nation”.

    1. "May be he won’t run again, but he does have influence. And voters will remember...."
      What voters may still remember will be irrelevant.
      If he needs to run again (in 2024) it'll be far too late, as by that time, the DS, antiFa, BLM etc. will have smashed whatever human infrastructure he now has.

      Having gone this far, the Dems will leave nothing to chance.
      It took Hitler less than 20 months, from Feb. 1933. to Aug. 1934, to sew up the coffin of the Weimar Republic.
      Once the Dems get the W.H. (and thus the whole DS), such outlets as this will likely be liquidated, w/in weeks or months.

    2. "such outlets as this *site* will likely be liquidated...."

    3. …and you haven’t even misspelled anything lately…. (sigh)

  13. I will assert that most people in the US gives rat’s patooey about voter fraud, especially if their candidate benefits.

    This falls in line with my assertion most Americans do not care if the government violates political opponents civil rights ... well ... as only as it Republicans, specifically, Trump. Oh, and if you are a Democrat attached to Trump, too bad, soo sad.

  14. The corrupt Democrats are alleging the there is no vote fraud when the is tons of evidence

    The GOP needs to turn the tables on the corrupt vote counts and demand to see the evidence that Biden won. They can't do that because they "counted" the votes in secret.

    I In any real court of law, when a plaintiff has made a prima face case, the burden of proof then shifts to the defendant. The GOP has made a prima facia case that there is corrupting in the vote count,so the Democrats should be made to prove there wasn't.

    The Democrats won't even let the GOP see the ballots. That's only one small part of the evidence regarding corruption.

    Please correct me if I am wrong.
