
Monday, September 16, 2019

UPDATED: Why Kavananaugh Now?

Sheer malice might be one reason, but some commenters believe there's more to it. A specific objective. For example, commenter Unknown writes:

They know RBG is dying and want [Kavanaugh's] seat.

And commenter Tom S. writes:

What I see is a movement to delegitimize his vote on the Court there by providing an excuse for nullifying SCOTUS rulings they disagree with, much like the Sanctuary movement among the States does to the Executive. Seemingly a dangerous move unless the end goal is dysfunctional chaos and the collapse of our system of Gov't. At the least they hope to cow Kavanaugh into recusing himself from any "Womyn's issues", at the most they will be happy with "burn it down and we'll fight to see who rules at the other end."

I've long been of the view that much of the political theater on the Left that we've been witnessing since the Mueller Dossier was released is triggered by the knowledge of what is coming--just how bad the information re the Russia Hoax that will be released really is--and thus is motivated by the desire to 1) distract the public from the coming Russia Hoax trainwreck, or 2) use a flurry of wild allegations to support a claim that it's all just politics as usual, and both parties are equally bad.

This morning we see multiple Dem presidential aspirants calling for Kavanaugh's impeachment, and New York Magazine already has an article out on this angle: Kavanaugh’s Impeachment May Have Just Become a 2020 Issue. In other words, having lost this fight badly in the court of public opinion already, Dems want a do-over of the Kavanaugh fight as the centerpiece of the 2020 campaign. Presumably to hold on to wavering "suburban" women.

So far it's not going well. Nevertheless I'll repeat: Kavanaugh should have sought vindication in court. Not to have done so reveals a dangerous naivete that GOPers should long ago have gotten over.

UPDATE: I want to highly recommend Margot Cleveland's article today--Lindsey Graham, Start Fighting For Justice For Brett Kavanaugh: Yes, Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed. But that isn’t justice. Justice requires consequences for those who tarnished the man and lied to Senate Judiciary investigators and committee members.

Cleveland takes out after Graham and all the other "pantywaist politicians who refused to punctuate their conclusion that Ford had lied about Kavanaugh with a perjury investigation." She's absolutely right about the damage to our political process that is done when witnesses are allowed to lie with impunity during the confirmation process. Senators who fail to defend nominees in this basic way. I still believe, however, that Kavanaugh himself has a duty to defend himself in the face of such a defamatory attack that goes far beyond difference of opinion.


  1. When has that ever stopped savage dogs.

    1. An active defense forces them to yap from a distance, but to turn your back almost guarantees attack. That, and that they prefer to hunt in packs, is why canines are rarely used as metaphors for courage or nobility. So should we drag out a tried-and-true cliché and label the Democrats "the running dogs of Progressivism"?
      Tom S.

  2. Before reading this post, it dawned on me this morning that reckless accusations are just the norm when the subject needs to be changed from, e.g. Russia/Mueller to something--anything else--to move than 24/7 news cycle because Trump is dominating (winning).

    Bolton-bad, Bolton firing-worse, was worth one day. The overreaction to the drone attack on the Saudi refinery is another with short legs. Trump impeachment has been a dud all summer long. Now they overstepped on Kavanaugh, as the editor's note appended to the article means that volley is another unforced error.

    Anything, anything to keep the Russian hoax and coup out of the conversation is the rule of the media landscape.

    To mix metaphors, they're tossing pasta at the wall to see what sticks, while hoping the sh*t hits the fan (while only hitting everyone on the other side)...

    1. Confucius sez: If wind in your face think twice before flinging sh*t.
      Tom S.

  3. There are other dangerous smears and lies besides the Kavanaugh Smear and the Russia Hoax. There is the White Supremacy Lie, too.

    There is a new documentary about Trayvon Martin by Joel Gilbert entitled "The Trayvon Hoax." We know all about the "Gentle Giant", Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO.

    Are you aware of a Powerline entry titled "Minneapolis Slides Downhill" by John Hinderaker found at

    It's sickening to watch at least seven black men attack a lone white man. They strip him down to his underwear and attempt to even remove his boxers. One hits him with a planter; another rides his bike over the prone man.

    You talk about savage dogs. These are worse. A dog doesn't know better and can't choose to do evil.

    I would never say that there is no white-on-black crime in America. But I will say that black-on-white crime is more prevalent and the racial angle is always played down. There is a coordinated lie in this country led by the media and the Democrats about whites, men, white men, Christians, conservatives, etc.

    1. Are you sure he hadn't been calling them racist slurs?

    2. That's certainly possible. But it's more likely that he was abusing his white privilege.

    3. I gotta get me some of that. I keep hearing about it and I feel like I'm missing out on something good.

    4. Me, too. Is there a card or something? I am obviously white and male (cisgendred).

      Have I told you that I may sue my parents for labelling me as a male when I was born? They didn't bother to ask me.

  4. The three Black kids who said they saw Michael Brown being shot while standing still, raising his hands and trying to surrender should have been tried for perjury.

    They would have been convicted.

    1. Especially when lying of that sort is public and causes harm to the public it should be treated seriously and severely.

  5. I honestly don't think the fundamental problem in this country is black/white relations. Apologies in advance for anyone I offend, but I tend to believe blacks who misbehave are in many respects victims of the system. In so saying I am not excusing individual accountability.

    The real evil, I submit, are the proto-Stalinist progressives whose combination of intellectual and financial elitism, victim-pandering, and patronizing paternalism have created the horrific us and them mentality which we are now seeing played out before us.

    In other words, the failure of Baltimore, or Ferguson, MO, is the result of the failure of the liberal, progressive state, not the result of pervasive white bigotry.

    1. If I can be permitted to simplify a bit, I see the major problem as race baiting from liberals for political advantage. Incredibly irresponsible and vile. I'm sure there's more to it than that, but ...

    2. Cassander,

      I am not offended by your comments.

      Yes, I am sympathetic that many black children grow up without a father in the home. That is a tragedy and has devastating consequences. So I have an understanding that there are many motivators for the behavior that we see exhibited by many lawless black males. I also have compassion for them as they are a product of their environment and many of them never grow into all that the Lord created them to be.

      My point is that I am sick and tired of seeing white people, and white men in particular, as racists who are responsible for all of the country's problems.

      I know many black people whom I love and respect. Liberalism does attempt to drive a wedge between whites and blacks. It also drives a wedge between men and women, Christians and non-Christians, etc.

  6. If I can be permitted to simplify a bit, I see the major problem as race baiting from liberals for political advantage. Incredibly irresponsible and vile. I'm sure there's more to it than that, but ...

    Well said, Mr. Wauck. And their vile behavior literally sometimes leaves a trail of death and destruction. They stoke resentment, violence, etc.

    1. Fear, envy, and spite are three pillars upon which socialism rests. One of the three, at least, explain every selling point of the ideology.
      Tom S.

  7. The essential lesson of this latest episode of smear Kavananaugh is that if wrongdoing is not redressed, it will continue and escalate. Hopefully Bill Barr is paying attention and will absorb this lesson as he evaluates the need to prosecute the coup conspirators. Like Kavananaugh, if he demures, it will come back to bite us later.
