
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

UPDATED: Not Just A Weekend Sport?

It can't be Father's Day every day of the week--Father’s Day in Chicago: 111 Shot, 14 Killed--but it's a mark we can aim for:

41 Shot, 6 Fatally Monday In Chicago

And of course it's not just Chicago. Law and order is melting down in other metro areas across the country. Having loosed their base into the streets and egged on the violence of the Left, the Dems may soon--almost certainly are already--facing the dilemma: how do they reestablish some semblance of control? These are their cities, their base, their crazies. Has anyone thought this through?

UPDATE: Meanwhile, just so you know that Dems aren't, like, totally serious about improving the quality of life in Chicago ...

Murals Celebrating LGBTQ Life To Be Installed In Chicago

The murals will be along Chicago's "Magnificent Mile," which will likely be renamed the Fabulous Mile in the near future.


  1. Perhaps those democrats that still have some sense of self-preservation will realize they've reached a Bridge Over the River Kwai moment. Do they stop the madness, or just continue sustaining the democrat plantations of unrest in the metropolitan cities they run. We know their leaders won't stop - it is their source of power. It will take the rank and file to say enough; this is not how we want to live. Such a realization could fracture the party completely. And, once again, Trump is the man to point out the obvious...


    1. And then, come the Brennan, Comey, etc. indictments, guess who those guys will be identified with? They were the ones who wanted to keep the crazies in power.

    2. I read somewhere today that Trump said Obama committed treason by authorizing spying on his campaign. The unmasking by Biden, Rice, and others so close to inauguration day certainly lends credence to the charge.

      If there is an indictment that far up the food chain before the election, I will be very, very, surprised.


    3. that word gets thrown around too much.

      The founders made sure to define treason in the constitution to prevent it being used for political purposes. The definition may be too narrow, but there it is..

      The violence done to our constitution, the rule of law, and the peaceful transfer of power is a profound betrayal, though. If we were a healthy society, the outrage directed at Obama would be such that he would be afraid to leave the protection of his home.

    4. Yeah, I understand what Trump is doing here. He's no dummy, but he's communicating in terms the average non-lawyer will understand. Nevertheless, I wish he'd find a better way to communicate what mistcr just said re

      "The violence done to our constitution, the rule of law, and the peaceful transfer of power is a profound betrayal"

    5. Treason is the incorrect charge. Sedition fits much better in this case, and is much easier to prove with the evidence already in hand. As I've said previously, if Barr, Durham and co. only go after individuals rather than the overarching conspiracy, then the outcome has already been predetermined.

      With Barr's recent comments to Bartiromo, he indicates he knows what is at stake; how the media has tuned out to the biggest political story in American history. Time to tether them to the hitching post.


    6. I've been over this several times. Sedition doesn't work either. It isn't a fit at all.

    7. Perhaps, but it seems to fit nicely with your post: TWO UPDATES: The Meaning Of The Berman Firing. I'd say that "The US Is In Civil War (And Why Berman's Firing Matters)" comports well with the definition of sedition. All the different threads that tie the current civil unrest, the Russian Hoax, the unmasking, impeachment, et al together would have to be explained. While it may not meet the lawyer-ese definition, we have witnessed an attempted coup, bloodless in the beginning, but now with the Marxist thugs doing their part to rip this country apart. These actions were not independent of one another.


    8. In a system that claims to be dedicated to the rule of law, we like to stick to "lawyer-ese" definitions of crimes--so the public can see we're not just a right wing criminal conspiracy trying to jail the left wing one.

      As for proving that the same people who attempted the lawfare coup are also directing the activities of Antifa and BLM, I'd love to see proof, but I'm not holding my breath. I don't doubt Durham is looking for it, but it's a stretch. He needs evidence, and telepathy probably won't work--even if it's probably real in this case.

    9. The current supreme court verdicts are perfect examples of lawyer-ese. There was no law that gave "rights" to the alphabet community. To infer sex meant gender rights is lawyer-ese at its finest. Ditto for the foundation given Roe v Wade. Legal decisions from whole cloth. Of course the "right wing" rolled over for that lawyer-esing and will continue to do so because the right still believes in the rule of law, contrary to the left where the end justifies the means.

      We've seen what the Deep State and the left have done to the law with General Flynn; to Papadopolous; to Trump. They've used the "law" as a weapon. That's why it is called Lawfare.

      That is the system they work within. Slimy, unfair, and disgraceful; where any leverage, legal or not, is used; with judges like Sullivan nodding their assent.


  2. If they don’t actually nail Obama, I believe they’ll come so close with other high level indictments that his eyebrows will be singed. His “legacy” down in flames. I’d like to see Obama be a name that goes down in infamy.

    1. But what about the library Obama has not yet built to honor himself...?

      From what I've read, a shovel hasn't even broken ground on the great hall of wonders. The Chicago park chosen for the honor has been fighting back from what I've read - but any news updates on this are too far down the media's wailing and gnashing of teeth coverage of anti-Trump seething, pandemic posturing, and cheering BLM/Antifa community and national history acts destruction.


    2. A new concept in urban planning. A library with basketball courts. I'm not kidding.

    3. …and a presidential library with no presidential records…

      Maybe a mausoleum would be a better plan, considering the black death rate in Chicago?
